Hi there! About me...I live in small town NZ, with my hubby and three kids.....
Life is busy of course, whose life isn't these days?? Modern society can make you forget what you feel the important things in life are and what you should really be focusing on. I decided for my new years resolut Read more...

Hi there! About me...I live in small town NZ, with my hubby and three kids.....
Life is busy of course, whose life isn't these days?? Modern society can make you forget what you feel the important things in life are and what you should really be focusing on. I decided for my new years resolution this year that I would attempt an online photo diary, one photo a day from the 7th of January 2012 and finishing on the 7th of January 2013....little did I know somebody had come up with the perfect sight for me to do this on long ago!! A quick google search to check for a photo diary site and here I was entranced with Blipfoto. The idea behind my new years resolution and my blipfoto experience is for me to try to make the most of every day.....I don't want to miss out on seeing the good, great, and magnificent moments in my life because I have done the increasingly normal human thing of failing to see the beauty of life right in front of me. Because it is, life is beautiful, this year I will remember that every day, find a smile in a memory of every day, even if it's a mundane one...one a day, can't be too hard ;)

Thanks heaps Blipfoto.com and the Blipfoto community for making this such an enjoyable and addictive experience. I really love the interactive part of this whole experience, it's almost like you're not making your journey alone. Oh, and I LOVE checking out other peeps daily photo, it's nice to see so many people taking in the beauty of their lives! Your special moments quite often make me smile, thanks :)

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