A blip a day . .
Sounded an interesting idea and now I'm hooked.
At the moment I have my phone to snap photos on but one day in the hopefully not too distant future I will have a camera .
It has given me an insight into what I could achieve by looking at other peoples blips.
I cannot guarant

A blip a day . .
Sounded an interesting idea and now I'm hooked.
At the moment I have my phone to snap photos on but one day in the hopefully not too distant future I will have a camera .
It has given me an insight into what I could achieve by looking at other peoples blips.
I cannot guarantee my photos will be amazing or even good but the hunt for the daily snap has given me a much needed hobby.
As a working wife and mum to two teenagers , two grandchildren from Ted's offspring and a few pets my days are busy so this blip a day is my way to escape for a short while.
Let my journey commence . .

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