Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my photos...

I mainly enjoy shooting landscapes, both urban and rural, as well as anything else that catches my eye. I also enjoy going around the city and photographing at night.

Almost all my photos have been edited using Paint Shop Pro Photo X2. The Read more...

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my photos...

I mainly enjoy shooting landscapes, both urban and rural, as well as anything else that catches my eye. I also enjoy going around the city and photographing at night.

Almost all my photos have been edited using Paint Shop Pro Photo X2. The post processing is usually limited to some contrast and saturation layers. I also use some sharpening and noise reduction as needed on a particular photo. Photos with no post processing will denoted in the description of the photo. For my post processing I will sometimes drastically increase the color and/or contrast of an image, add a colored filter, or add some sort of lens distortion.

I truly appreciate all the comments and critique that I receive on my photos. Thanks ~Chad

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