
By Runningbackwards

Daft things I worry about #1

I don't know about you, but I am prone to a bit of worrying.

It doesn't have to be rational or related to me but they just seem to pop up and continue until I have resolved it somehow.

A mini worry I have is about Oil and what we do when we run out. It seems to me that so much of our cushy lives is related to oil and we bumble along, pretending that it's not going to happen to us.

Specifically I worry about lorries. I can see that you can make perfectly good electric cars, trains and trams. I have a gap when it comes to lorries. It's lorries we really need though, not cars!

Anyway this little mini worry was resolved by an article in the Observer yesterday which suggests we can make it all from algae (well 30% by 2050?!). That was enough to put that thought to bed.

I am a science teacher I tell myself, I should be able to rationalise all this.

And then I remember. Since I've been a Dad I worry more and less rationally. And let's not start on being emotional watching films - that's a whole different blip.

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