Clark Tales

By cclark

Kinnect, Flashguns and OSCARS

I messed around with this one in a few ways, the boys came round to watch the Oscars, including Craig. Craig kindly brought his flasguns, something I've wanted for a while. He and I enjoyed playing with them, the others, not so much as they were blinded whilst trying to play Kinnect.

I edited this one too in Pixlr, which I found a tad confusing (the main reason I dont like to edit) but trying new camera things, including editing is what this 365 is all about. Anyway it was a simple edit and have some more here including the original pic. Had others to choose from, this was a close contender.

OSCARS TOTALLY ROCKED LIKE EVERY YEAR! Very good times with Doogie, Jamie, Grum, Craig and Ross the lighter weight than me. I nodded off in the middle but was awake for the top 5 awards. 5am finish!

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