a town called E.

By Eej

Preciousssss ...

I don't have an official list of things to save in case of a fire but if I had one, Gollum would be on there along with Minas Tirith and the Argonath bookends. Does that make me a massive geek?*

Me: "Did we watch the director's cut of all of them, the first time I flew over to see you?"
Him: "Yeah. I think so. *poignant pause* You slept a lot."

So I guess I'll never live that down! ;)
In my defense: I was severely jetlagged, it was winter, and we were in a sparsely lit basement.

And 9 hours of movie, no matter how awesome, is a bit of a long haul.

Here, Gollum is modelling some homemade texture and a vignette. The all white background made him look even more like a ghost than he already does. Freaked me out, it did.

*rhetorical. But in case you did the resounding YES! thing, please go over and say HI to Ron ;)

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