Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

Crombie Churchyard

Well...I assume it is......hang on ..*googles frantically*....yes. It is.

I went for a wander myself today as I wanted to find the Cycle path. Goodness knows why since I don't have a bike. Anyhooooooo....

I went and found it and took a little loop off to Crombie Point (I just stumbled on this place on the way) along the coast a little and back to Crombie via lots of fields. About a 2 hour walk.

Freaked myself out a bit as my phone decided to play Stevie Wonder's "Superstition" at me as soon as I entered the Churchyard. Really should have broken out in the funky chicken there and then.

Some super houses down at Crombie Point. There is one where they have built a treehouse. Not any old crummy treehouse though. It has a bridge and a cargo net and looks like the ones from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. I am very jealous. I have always wanted a tree house. I used to imagine having my own little house up a tree in the woods and that is where I would live.

Quite convinced that really it wouldn't be cold, or with lots of bugs and surely they can put a telly up there and a washing machine? It would be magic.

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