if you let me have my way

By xobecky878xo


Nearly every Monday I spend about an hour at the therapist with my son, basically trying to understand his issues and working to make things easier for him... It's been an uphill battle since the "no child left behind" act redefined special education... Since my son is extremely bright, the school refuses to help my son with his disabilities... We've got 7 hours worth of educational testing coming up on Thursday in an effort to pinpoint some things that we can do to help him... It looks as though I'll probably home school him next year if we can't find a better situation for him...

"Window" is Jonah's invisible friend... Jonah is very particular, and often has to take the time to explain that Window is "invisible" and NOT imaginary... Window has been around since Jonah was about 18 months old, and doesn't seem to disappear for more than a day or two...

Jonah describes "Window" by saying that he's about 30" tall and is square, and you can see through him, like a window...

Some facts about "Window"...
1. Window sometimes goes on vacation, and his cousin "chinjo" will visit in his place... Chinjo looks like Window, but is smaller...
2. Window NEVER wins when he plays a game against Jonah, which is pretty lucky for Jonah...
3. Window is always to blame when Jonah's room is a mess, and apparently he makes a mess and lthen quickly leaves before there is time to help clean the mess up...
4. Window is always to blame when Jonah is rude or disrespectful... apparently Window sometimes controls Jonah's voice and Jonah isn't strong enough to fight him off, yet... Jonah is working on building up his superpowers, but he's not sure how long it will take before he's strong enough to defeat Window...
5. Window snores, Jonah does not...

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