
By heraldino

Glow VI

Bad Irritating news: - Doesn't change a thing

Very commendable that Kentucky Fired Chicken is concerned about our health, therefore making the difficult choice to drop the 'Finger-Lickin' Good' slogan. Like that would do exactly...what? Make it seems healthier? They think it will . Hey KFC, I have one for you. It's good and accurate. Ready? KFC-it's Chicken Killin' Good! No? Not a good ring to it, eh?

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Good Interesting news: - People wising up?

For years the computer community, developers and users alike have whined about Bill Gates and Microsoft's blatant monopoly and sharky methods to discourage and plain push competitors out. Proprietary and mediocre software was tolerated because it's all there was. Developers and users are realizing that Apple is no better at bringing the two operating platforms together and is not any less greedy, proprietary or secretive than Microsoft ever was.

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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