Another day goes by

By WelshSi

And why not

Today has been a cleaning day, lucky you, I hear you say. Not really. But for the last 4 weeks I have been unemployed, and in that time I have accomplished very little in the grand scheme of things. It has been so easy to say to myself, bugger it, I can always do that tomorrow. Daft really, cos tomorrow you could be doing something nice.

So today I cleaned the front room, back room, bathroom and kitchen. I even emptied the fridge and cleaned all inside that. As tomorrow, my wife is off and we will be on our way to Cardiff to chill, and maybe spend some money, because Monday I start a new job.

While I was cleaning the fridge I came across some unfinished cream, I spotted my mothers home made jam and thought, I know where the scones are. Hey Presto, afternoon scones. Its amazing how quick they disappear, perhaps I should of been a magician. One minute they were there, the next minute they were SCONE

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