Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

A work in progress

Yes its a floor! Recently I have been attracting attention to myself for all the wrong reasons.

After football training I had a chat with the football coach who was puzzled why I was taking a picture of the corner of a muddy football pitch.

Last week, during my sons badminton training in Hemel Hempstead, I stood on a bench to take photographs of the gym floor with the lines. I was too close and the angle was wrong when I had avoided the shadows.

On Monday after badminton training in St Albans I took photographs of the gym floor from the viewing balcony. I was asked what I was doing by the coach who couldn't fathom it and went away shaking her head.

Today in Hatfield I took yet more photos of the gym floor this time with shuttlecocks and racquet. Yet more bemusement and shaking of heads from onlookers.

Before you all send for the nice young men in the clean white coats to take me away, let me explain. I have lots of photos of a badminton playing Hugo, and the idea is to make a collage/scrapbook effect. For which I need a background. Which is going to be a gym floor, etc. etc.

I am sure it will work. Meanwhile the looks of puzzlement and incredulity are a wonder to behold.

P.S. The football and rugby photographs need muddy/grassy pitches for their background.

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