wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


Autumn has arrived rather more abruptly than usual (although it's meant to warm up again this weekend), and we've succumbed. Usually we try to wait until daylight savings or Easter to light to fire - usually it's not really cold enough until then, and we just suck it up, but today I cleaned it all out (giving Pippin his first sighting of the vacuum cleaner. He wasn't impressed), and it's burning cheerfully, warming and cosying us.

You northern hemispherers may be sick of cold weather, but despite my being in England until the end of December and our pitiful summer attempt, the edge in the air makes me quite excited about the winter that's on its way.

Not much going on apart from that really. There's an enormous orange sunset raincloud outside, but I'm just too warm to move away from the fire.

(Yes, we're all obsessed with the weather down here. It's always interesting, hence the fact our weather reports things like isobars, pressure fronts, and bushwalking/boating conditions.)

Thanks everyone who commented on my photo yesterday. To me it's a perfectly normal view having lived here all my life. As I told someone, if you don't have a view in Hobart, you're living in the wrong house. I also thought it was quite an ordinary shot of the rainbow, but if you haven't seen it before then I guess it's pretty nice. Thanks! :)

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