My world through my lens

By CatherinePound

On reflection...

Well well.... what have we here?? Can you make it out? Possibly not as I've kinda had a teensy tiny bit of a play with it! I felt a little ill afterwards... too much looking at bright lights I'm afraid!

The title kinda gives it away... it's a reflection.... of water, through a glass, onto white background! :D

Nice to see the sun, on a Friday! :) Today has been an okay day... work a little stressful, car passed it's MOT (after having a few things sorted) Lottie's thrown a tantrum or two! :( Enough with the glum stuff... We have started making plans for Easter this year and tooooooo excited!! Lottie will hopefully get to spend it with her cousins and we're planning Easter Egg hunts for them in the morning.. oh I'm such a big kid and too excited!

Lots of happy things to do this weekend.. shopping for jewellery for me tomorrow! *insert silly little dance here* a combined gift from some family members for my 30th... I have had my eye on a Links of London bracelet for years! :D It may just end up on blip tomorrow... don't say I didn't warn you! Sunday we're attending a darling little man's 2nd Birthday! We're very much looking forward to celebrating with him! Might try get a nice shot of the kids together, will see how it goes... lighting is always ticky at indoor events... anyone with any suggestions? I might just have to use the flash! (sadly don't have nice fancy one with diffuser bit)... well I'll have a play anyway!

Okay... that's all from me for now.. I'm in a waffling mood today, so could be here all afternoon and evening if I don't stop right this minute!

Catherine x

ps.. England vs South Africa on Sunday... come on the Protea's!

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