Displacement activities

By Detritus


I couldn't decide which image to put up here.

First image, the many pancakes I cooked for us all this morning, which were consumed with eagerness and maple syrup. Also, cinnamon sprinkled into the mix, so very nice. A good start to the day.

Second shot, a routine check on my wife's car this morning showed up a problem. She took my car to work, and I kept her's here, as I had only a few miles to cover. Friendly mechanic reckons it's ok to drive for now, being looked at on Thursday. Sadly, this car, the most expensive one we've bought, has been nothing but a liability, requiring two gearbox rebuilds and numerous other problems sorting. It was secondhand, but after hearing similar stories from other owners, we'll never buy anything from VW again.

However, on the brightside, relaxing afternoon and evening planned.

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