A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


My cuddly giant microbe collection sitting on a t-shirt.

A wee while ago I wrote about Fear Of Germs by the media and mentioned a hands free soap dispenser (to avoid getting nasty germs on your hands, er before washing them). This had been previously ranted about by Anth and his 3mm too big head, reassuring me that it is not just my jaw that dropped open at it.

Anyway this evening I saw an advert for a clothes washing powder that kills all germs DEAD. Yes, that's right folks, your clothes are full of GERMS and GERMS MUST BE KILLED.


I'm not sure if I am going to be able to sleep at night for worrying about all the diseases that I might die from by having a few bacteria in my clothes. What happens if I sit down somewhere in my sterile clothing and the seat has not been sterilised and some bacteria jump on to my troosers? Eh? EH? Bet they didn't think about that did they?

Baffled of Edinburgh.

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