Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


This is a picture of my middle son looking very thoughtful. I'm really enjoying trying out new things on blip - I very rarely take b&w photos and portraits so my last 2 blips have been a learning curve. I like the angle of this photo as it really complements his face.

I've had a really busy day today as hubby was working so I was on taxi duty! Took my youngest to footy training first thing, popped home to phone the bank as I'd had one of those letters about possible fraud on the account. Thankfully it was a false alarm (this time) but it's a horrible feeling thinking that your card has been cloned again. Picked up youngest and stayed to watch him train for a bit as they hadn't finished. I thought about blipping him when he came home as he was covered from head to toe in mud! As soon as we got home my eldest son was waiting for me to take him into town to meet his mates. Middle son was really happy about this news (not!) so I decided to soften the blow by promising to take the other two to McDs on the way home.

When we finally arrived home I managed to tidy the tip house and even did a bit of cleaning. Later on, when hubby arrived home I popped to Sainsburys to do the weekly shop - I refuse to do this with kids in tow - and then cooked the tea. All in all today has been an enjoyable day. I hope it's warmer tomorrow as two of the boys are footballing - yay more washing!!!

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