Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Wearing Out

A few years ago, the covering on my sofa wore out. So I covered it with an offcut of upholstery fabric to avoid my toes getting caught in the holes when I sit cross-legged on it!

Now the covering has worn through! This is probably a mark of just how much I use my sofa. It is my bed during sleepy days (like today). It is my workplace when I'm doing assignments in front of the TV (or, as will soon be the case, marking books) and when I'm making notes, writing down ideas and so on. It is my dining chair for breakfast, lunch (when I'm at home) and dinner. It is a cat bed when I'm not on it, and also when I am.

In short, it is one of the most used things in the house.

It wasn't even new (neither of our sofas was - in fact, our whole house is furnished with bits and bobs we've inherited). It came from my stepmother's parents' house. The covering, pinkish bows, is absolutely the opposite of my taste, but it fits nicely in the place it lives, is comfy, has cushions to each side which are handy for hiding books under, and I don't really care when the cats scratch the back of it.

So, now added to the lengthy jobs list:

Find fabric and re-cover sofa cushions!

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