
Just as I got to the lochs this morning 3 swans flew overhead and landed on Gaddon Loch. Typically my camera was still in the bag, I'll get them in flight one day.
As we set off on our walk the feisty resident swans had become all too aware of these 3 visitors and were less than impressed at the prospect of sharing their beautiful home.
A few charges and chases later the visitors had retreated to a far corner, or at least I thought they all had. That was until I walked around the footpath a bit further, round a corner and came face to face with one of the visitors and the resident bully having a stand off on the footpath. Let's just say I though better of this particular Blip opportunity and went back the way we came!

A couple of similar shots from this morning are in my Blipfolio because I couldn't decide which one to use as my Blip.

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