Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1


It serves me right really, late nights, early mornings, lots of driving and lots of running about meant I woke up completely shattered this morning, nevertheless I got myself out of bed and got ready for work, jumped into my car and, well I didn't get very far, about 12 miles in to my commute I hit solid traffic on the dual carriageway.

The frustrating thing was I had no idea as to what was causing it, a crash? possibly some roadworks I hadn't heard of? Who knows, all I knew was that I wasn't going anywhere in a hurry, and with my fuel light on I was hoping the traffic wouldn't last!

Eventually I got to a sign in the road informing everyone of major road works, on a main road in to the town centre, at rush hour, brilliant planning by the council there, not only did they have roadworks there, but they had other roads completely shut for repair creating more congestion, why did they have to do it all in one go at rush hour?!

After an hour and 40 minutes I eventually got in to the office, tired, and now rather harassed. Thankfully I had plenty to do at work again so the day passed quickly and I could go and wake myself up in the gym.

This is my bottle which I make my protein drinks up in, it has a simple little spring ball thing in the bottom so the powder mixes properly, usually I end up with big clumps of the stuff stuck to the bottom but not with this, simple but good ideas! The protein isn't for putting on serious amounts of muscle, more to help with recovery because I am more of an endurance or cardio kind of guy, so weights usually get neglected until I really have to do them, it's odd I wont think too much about having to ride 100 miles, but doing 30 mins of weights its an awful thought.

Now, time to go and get a good sleep.

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