
By middleman


Another Tuesday, another morning of errands and a wee blip trip accompanied by more of the mighty Husker Du. I've been working my way through the albums in a non-chronological order the last couple of weeks and today it was the turn of their final album Warehouse: Songs And Stories. What an album to bow out on, and what a track to open with.

I used to always have a free period on Monday afternoon back in my sixth form days, which meant I could quite comfortably bike home from school, get the bus into town to buy whatever new release record was out that day and still be home for tea. I can distinctly remember going in to the Hull branch of HMV when Warehouse came out on that fateful Monday and having to come home empty-handed, the release having been delayed. Next week, however, I was victorious and not only was I the proud owner of a fine album, but also had a large grey sticker from the shrinkwrap to emblazon on my chemistry folder. It almost made up for the fact that I hated chemistry lessons and wish I hadn't taken it. Just looking at that folder with the big Huskies sticker cheered me up frequently during many a lesson of being bored stupid by hydrocarbons and benzene rings. Damn, I can remember too much. Stop.

Next Tuesday, if I can raise enough funds (I reckon £1500 should just about cover it) from selling more crap from my cupboard on ebay, the blip will be coming live from Greg Norton's restaurant in Redwing, Minnesota.

* UPDATE * Just looked for Greg's restaurant website and it appears that him and his wife have divorced and the restaurant is now solely run by Sarah. Greg is no longer there. Plans dashed. Disappointed, was really looking forward to the trip.

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