Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Is it nearly the weekend?!

This week's dragging, I don't know whether it's because the hubby is away or what! The kids seem to be being particularly defiant! Answering back, not doing what they're told! ARGHHH!!!! Got so much to do & I don't seem to be getting a great deal done! Oh well tomorrow's another day! Let's hope the kids wake up feeling the love with big smiles on their faces with the words 'yes mummy' 'no mummy' 'whatever you say mummy' & a mummy with a little more patience than she's had today! Oh well, a mum can hope :o)

I'm hoping for an early'ish' night tonight ... i'm armed with a glass of wine and the remote ready to switch on to Cougar Town! Peace & Quiet 'well a mum can hope!'

Well as the saying goes ...

That's all folks!

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