
By cracker


Dropped Spence off at daycare and then went and picked up his new trampoline and a gazebo! Got home, chomped some trees in the backyard, mowed half the grass and then started putting up the trampoline! It started raining just after I had started but I kept on going because I wanted to get it done before Kaz got back home with Spence! I had only done the frame by the time they got home and everything had wet grass all over it because I had just mowed it and it was raining! I decided that instead of getting the net and mat all wet and grassy, I would see if it dries out a bit tomorrow! Spence came home and saw me out in the yard and he saw the frame, but has no idea that it is a trampoline!!

Here is a photo that pretty much summarises my day!! The trampoline frame, the piles of mowed grass and the tree branches I cut down!! I am borrowing a trailer tomorrow to get rid of the branches and grass and will hopefully finish the tramp!

Funny Spencer saying - Spence came out into the kitchen the other morning holding his toy ice cream. He then said to Kaz and I 'Hey guys, can you please shush, I'm licking my ice cream'!!

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