secret garden

By freespiral

Ash Wednesday 8.20am

Underneath the clouds - will this do for this week's challenge?? Very big and multi-layered clouds and much wind, but the walking bus remained dry and turbo charged - the challenge is now on to beat the other bus coming in from the east - and today we were clear winners! I'm wrecked as I leave my car where I pick up the children then have to walk back to retrieve it. Shows you how small a place this is, I've already had two people come up to me concerned that they saw my car seemingly abandoned and was I okay! The walking buses are also causing an interest in the village and much commented on - brownie points for us.

The glass ladies were in school again today and all work is progressing beautifully. We hope to have four lights and a fused glass window, as well as individual pieces, by the time they finish,

The arthouse film last night was refreshing and unusual - Loose Cannon - about a young gay Italian man trying to come out to his very straight family. One of those films where everyone has secrets and they are slowly revealed, usually in a chaotic and traumatic fashion. Not the usual machismo.

Currently listening to Sounds from the ground- very mellow and funky :)

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