Nora Berghoff

By nberghoff

Costa Rica #1 - Crocodile bridge

*I am in the process of backblipping pics from this trip, and am having a really hard time deciding which ones to post!!!*

We arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica on Saturday for our annual vet GI conference. In order to reach our destination, we had to go on a "fun" 3.5 h shuttle bus ride.

At one point we stopped to see the famous crocodiles in the Tarcoles river...geez, these things were gigantic. One cannot really appreciate the size/length of these beasts from this picture, as there is no size reference in it.
The two crocs shown here were at least 10 feet long. And there were approx. 10-15 of them in the water (as far as we could tell) at the time.

Most certainly not a good spot for taking a swim.

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