A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Time Travel

I woke up this morning to discover I had travelled back in time! To February 13th, 2005 mid morning in fact. How cool is that?

We all love the idea of time travel (go on, admit it). I often think about what time I would go to if I had a time machine. I'd love to go back and look at the dinosaurs. From a safe distance. It was also be really interesting to go forward, say 100 years, just to see what things are like and whether we really will be living in the sort of scary dystopia imagined by film and book writers. Of course going back only a few years, to 2005 didn't really feel much different at all. Had my time travel episode lasted I might have found my work computer more co-operative since it would only be 4 years old. As a Fortean, I am prepared to consider all possibilites and it may just be that I had lain on my watch in the night and reset it. I prefer the time travel option though..

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