Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton


Here's Mickey-cat, age 20(ish) there's a family dispute about his age, he could be 19 or 21! He was bought for me and my sis by my uncle one year & when we moved out he remained with our parents.

He's been a wonderfully loyal cat & no bother, although a little demanding at times with a very odd and noisy meow, more like a MEW He's been a firm family friend through-out the years, listening to all our woes & giving us a cuddle when we're sad, amazing how cats are so instinctive.

Mickey has been declining over the last few weeks, old age, alzheimers, his organs are giving up on him - amongst other ailments! He's got increasingly poorly over the last few days & last night being terrible for him, a trip to the vet was a necessity. Unfortunately Mickey-cat didn't come home from the vets today. He was honoured with his angel wings and has flown up in the sky with star status! (Well earned & well deserved I say!)

Today has been an emotional day, I lost a childhood friend!

Here's to you Mickey ... hope there's lots of mice to chase in your new home! xxx

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