dark obsidian

By darkobsidian

Today's View

An emotionally exhausting day so now I'm tired and drained and can't wait to get to bed though firrst I really need to have some food.....

Over six hours spent on a train doesn't really lend itself to blipping - even if it was on one of the West Coast of Scotland's most scenic routes - especially when Scotrail provide particularly filthy windows ensuring absolutely no opportunity for a sneaky through the window shot of passing scenery. So I had to make do with this hastily snapped shot from Taynuilt platform as my train was pulling into the station. I've spent enough time there to know the name of this hill/mountain but sadly tonight my brain is just not working I really need to go see about getting that food....chicken curry I think......

Things to be thankful for today: good friends, green tea (comes a close second to coffee!), snow capped hills/mountains, nike drake and joy division on my ipod, chicken curry....

This is a crisis I knew had to come,
Destroying the balance I'd kept.
Doubting, unsettling and turning around,
Wondering what will come next.
Is this the role that you wanted to live?
I was foolish to ask for so much.
Without the protection and infancy's guard,
It all falls apart at first touch.

Watching the reel as it comes to a close,
Brutally taking its time,
People who change for no reason at all,
It's happening all of the time.
Can I go on with this train of events?
Disturbing and purging my mind,
Back out of my duties, when all's said and done,
I know that I'll lose every time.

Moving along in our God given ways,
Safety is sat by the fire,
Sanctuary from these feverish smiles,
Left with a mark on the door,
Is this the gift that I wanted to give?
Forgive and forget's what they teach,
Or pass through the deserts and wastelands once more,
And watch as they drop by the beach.

This is the crisis I knew had to come,
Destroying the balance I'd kept,
Turning around to the next set of lives,
Wondering what will come next.

Passover - Joy Division

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