Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Global Warming

I watched a bit on BBC Breakfast this morning about global warming. The BBC covered it in their increasingly tabloid style as expected. It seems from the reporting though that the government are still trying to put the onus on individuals. Now while I have no problem with individuals doing all they can to reduce their "carbon footprint" and do their bit I have long thought that the Government are making a big mistake in trying to paint individuals as responsible when what they should be doing is trying to put pressure on big business and other countries such as the US and China.

However while taking a detour on route home from taking Madeleine to school this morning I wandered past the stretch of road connecting the bridge to the M8 and M9 and the congestion was horrendous. When I started looking in the cars I realised that only one in every twenty or thirty cars had any passengers in it. Now this road is basically the main artery from Fife to Glasgow and the surrounding area. What struck me is that it is obviously a very busy route but public transport for it is completely sub standard.

If the government seriously want the individual to take responsibility for global warming is it not way past time that they started offering a vastly improved, heavily subsidised, public transport network to encourage people to leave the car at home?

I know this is all common sense and in ranting to fellow blippers about it I'm doubtless preaching to the converted, but it just frustrates me that we are being made to feel guilty about global warming when the people who could make a real difference are doing so little.

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