Doing Things Differently

By PhilWWalton

Sounds on Saturday

I find the weekends difficult to Blip, as we generally do things that are incompatible with blipping. So, to encourage myself, I've been thinking about themes. I'm going to try "Sounds on Saturday" and mix with photography two of my other favourite passtimes; music and puns.

This week's sound is not a huge fave, but it does bring back memories :

"It's a Mystery" by Toyah Wilcox (1981)

The Blip is of a plant that Rebecca stole liberated from her brother's garden on the day he moved. She had admired it every time she visited and couldn't resist cutting off a chunk to grow on in our border. That was nearly three years ago and this is the first season that it has had flowers.

Or should I say bracts, as Rebecca believes the plant to be a hellebore. It's exact identity is a mystery. Perhaps a fellow Blipper may recognise it.

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