Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Red Cloud...

No pressure .... but today was my introduction to Digital Photography course.

I'm sure you're all expecting a fabulous transformation of my blip, so I'm sorry to disappoint!!

It was such a useful day though :-) I am now fully versed in the basics and feel as though I can control the camera far better. Of course, since the auto settings are pretty good anyway, you may not see any improvement to begin with (thinking about it, it seems likely that you'll only see me get worse!)

This tree is my attempt to demonstrate shallow depth of field. We had lots of theory sessions inside and then the tutor took us out for 20 minute walk-abouts and it really was a shame that we didn't have any good sunlight for pictures at all. But, that wasn't the point, I can take my new found knowledge and I'll be all over the sun next time it appears!!

Mr CleanSlate was on childcare duties all day and seemed remarkably calm when I returned. He always seems to accomplish far more tidying and cleaning than I can manage when he's got the rascals. I tell myself that I multitask to the extreme in order to half-complete an array of chores and he is a perfectionist about just one or two things. However, I think I may be stretching the boundaries of self deception on this one...

In related news (barely), I can confirm that I didn't get a parking ticket today :-) This is excellent news, since I did complete deserve one, and a fellow intro to DP pupil did get one. Hopeless parking arrangements at the venue and of course I was running late. The on road parking was free for up to 2 hours until 12.30 then free in the afternoon. I arrived at 9.30, reasoned that I was therefore only 'at risk' from 11.30 until 12.30 and decided to chance it. On the way in I met another guy who had gone through the same thought process. The man on reception confirmed they weren't too zealous on a Saturday, so I gave it no more thought. At lunchtime my partner in crime confirmed the inevitable, he had a parking ticket. He was 2 cars away from me, so I knew I would have been 'got' too. At the end of the day we walked out together to give moral support but..... I didn't have a ticket. He decided the traffic wardens don't like BMWs (possible) or that they gave me one and someone had pinched it (again possible - although I think he was at full stretch now) and I could venture the thought that he was Scouse (!) but of course how can a traffic warden tell these things (Manchunian Sixth Sense!)

Anyway, barring a nasty letter through the door confirming option 2, I think I got away with it <does happy dance> and Mr CleanSlate never needs to know :-)

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