Lali's World

By Lali


Purple entry for my second 12 colours project, if you want to see the one from my first click here.

My purple entry is not really exciting, but hey, I've been working all day and there were not many purple things around. Purple, as the colour of the thisle, the national flower of Scoland, is another truly scottish colour. Go to the highlands and admire the beautiful purple hills!

I made an attempt of taking a picture of a really nice purple door this morning but, as I was going to take the picture, a man stood there to have a cigarrette. I didn't want to take the picture while he was there in case he thought I was taking a picture of him, so I waited, but he didn't move. I couldn't wait any longer because I was going to be late for work otherwise. Of all the doors he could have chosen, it had to be that one! Never mind. So it had to be this picture, which was taken under the rain while I was holding my umbrella shaking crazily with the wind on one hand and my camera on the other, being careful not to get it wet. Not an easy task! Not a great picture, but a definitely difficult one to take.

Today it was a crazy and mental day at work full of chaos and mayhem, as expected. The crap weather didn't help either because it drew more people in. We ended up with 840 people through the door to do the tour, yes 840!!! A record. The most people we've ever had in that place. And it felt like it as well. I did a few more hours for overtime and I've just finished work. So, as you can imagine I'm completely and utterly knackered!

Not much time for comments this evening because I really need my bed, but I'll catch up with comments as soon as I can tomorrow. Working tomorrow again! I hope it's not so crazy!

Holidays soon! :)

Tomorrow blue!

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