Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

The Road Home

Today was a day of catching up with friends, now that we have confirmed Mrs O no longer is employed it feels like we are on holiday. Sad to say when so many of our friends in Christchurch are struggling but thats just the way it is for us are the moment. We took the back road back to Mosgiel and stopped on the overbridge for a wee look and I made this image.

It got me thinking......

How much time is wasted by us all driving too and from work, I noticed earlier in the way out of Dunedin that the railway tracks are in perfect working order but that there are no passenger trains running any more. What a shame it is that we cant get better organised public transport and get ourselves out of our cars and using it a lot more. My parents used the train from Mosgiel to Dunedin each day when I was wee and made some lifelong friends on these journeys, oh how we are missing out now.
With the price of fuel skyrocketing at the moment it is going to be necessary to start thinking about it, what an opportunity Christchurch currently has to develop a 21st century public transport system, I hope that it is closely considered.

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