The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

Not perfect to look at in any way............

I am definitely on the meaty side..........when i get up in the morning i attack the moisturising of my face with gusto.........I have every potion and lotion..........first thing as i fall out of bed, my hair parts at the back where i have been sleeping, as if some one has hit me over the head with a axe, till i get the straightening iron's to it...........If they are laughter lines around my eyes, then i must be hysterical all day............ These control knickers are out of control, often rolling down at the most least appropriate moment, usually when i am in a full conversation with some one,............. I ponder over mags, and have every perfect image of what a woman should look and be shoved down my throat 24/7...........Sometimes i have to get up in the middle of the night for a wee, a new thing, a nearly fifty thing............. Should i go into tweeds, or am i mutton........all things considered, my lovely hubbie bought me this wall tile some time agao, and sits on my garden wall with others, and as i was clearing the dog poo up, lovely, it caught my eye, and made me smile, this is me, big blonde and happy, and obviously my hubbie thinks so can not all be bad..........

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