dark obsidian

By darkobsidian


After the inactivity of the last few days I had lots of plans for what I should be doing today - lots of small things I've been putting off till later and then the serious business of job hunting..... But one look out of the window this morning and the rarest of glimpses of the sun and my heart really wasn't in it so instead I had a cup of green tea (can't say my heart was in that eaither!) grabbed my camera and headed for the park.

Usually I try to resist photographing the trees - although I don't succeed very often as I love them so much - but today I deliberately headed over to these trees as they are some of my favourites in the park and I like to sit close by them and just reflect a little when I've got something on my mind as I find them quite peaceful as well as very beautiful. Their still presence seems to have a very calming effect and some days I could literally just sit there for hours quite happily. While I was there I look various shots but this one is my favourite as I like the shapes amd the the pattern of the branches reflected on the grass.

When I got home I discovered I have an interview on Friday afternoon for a job that I don't really want - typical really. It's back in the industry that I said I never wanted to work in again and at a very basic level rather than being the manager. I was never that hung up on the manager thing anyway and I could certainly live without the stress and responsibility but it would be a lot less money but then it would be better than the nothing I'm on now. I'm just not sure I really want to get back into the industry again but then that's where my experience is and I'm bored of not working so maybe it's better to at least think of taking the job I don't want while waiting for a job I do want given how bad this job marker appears to be......

"Ho! Ho! Ho! To the bottle I go
To heal my heart and drown my woe
Rain may fall, and wind may blow
And many miles be still to go
But under a tall tree will i lie
And let the clouds go sailing by"

J.R.R. Tolkien

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