dark obsidian

By darkobsidian


I was so tempted to blip another tree today - that's what most of my shots were actually of (I so can't help myself) but I thought 3 days in a row might be a bit excessive even for me and my tree love then at the last moment this little shot caught my attention.

I guess it takes me back years. When I was much younger and much more foolish (hard to believe I could be but I was!) Mugdock Resevoir was a regular hangout for me and my friends of a summer evening whenever we could borrow a car and drive out there. Not that we did anything particularly exciting - crazy kids that we were we sat on the seats by the water, took in the scenery and just chatted. Back then it seemed like everything was just beginning and anything was possible - the world was ours for the taking! It seems like forever ago now and yet sometimes it seems like yesterday.

Visiting the resevoir today with a friend to walk and chat and blip (she blips to) for the first time in maybe 25 years it struck me that the resevoir had hardly changed at all yet I wonder if I met that 20 year old sitting on the bench by the resevoir would she recognise me at all?

Strange how time moves so slow and so fast at the same time!

Things to be thankful for today: good friends (new and old), clear skies, trees (of all kinds - i even saw some holly today!) rabbits and deer, coffee (yeah i had one in honour of st patrick's day - back to green tea tomorrow!), radiohead and kate bush on my ipod!

I went home for Christmas
To the house that I grew up in
Going back was something after all these years
I drove down Monterey Street
And felt a little sadness
When I turned left on Laurel and the house appeared
And I snuck up to that rocking chair
Where the winter sunlight slanted on the screened-in porch
And I stared out past the shade tree
That my laughing daddy planted on the day that I was born

And I let time go by so slow
And I made every moment last
And I thought about years
How they take so long
And they go so fast

Across the street the Randol's oldest daughter must have come home
Her two boys built a snowman by the backyard swings
I thought of old man Randol
And his Christmas decorations
And how he used to leave them up 'til early spring
And I thought of all the summers
That I paced that porch and swore I'd die of boredom there
And I thought of what I'd give to feel another summer linger
Where a day feels like a year

Then the door flew open, and my mother's voice was laughing
As she called back to my daddy, "Come and look who's here!"
And I thought about years

Years - Beth Nielson Chapman

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