
By Runningbackwards

Looking a bit gaunt

Friday, Friday.

Had one of those sleepless nights when you feel hot and bothered and restless and then woke with that hot, tired and bothered, dry skin feeling.

A shower and shampoo has rendered my hair (short though it is) into an unmanageable mess.

Son #1 and #2 are having one of those days when they choose to fall out about everything. Whatever #1 has #2 wants and vice versa!

Porridge and an apple has set me back on the right track.

12 days of school in a row, including last weekend, has finally caught up with me and reaches its climax today with Comic Relief.

Yes, I am dressing up as a pupil. No, I'm not very keen. Yes, it will be okay in the end. Yes, I am being grumpy this morning. Yes, I need to snap out of it. Yes, I should have snapped out of it before committing it via the keyboard for posterity.

Yes, hopefully I will look back this time next year and think, miserable git

I'm already thinking it now.

Life could be so much worse.

A bit of physical exercise will see me right.

After school staff football on Friday is just the right mixture of exercise, competitiveness and cheeky banter to end the week. I recommend it to all - the ability to play football, whilst useful, is really not essential.

Here's a skull against a reddish background.

Yesterdays' blip looked black on my laptop and brown on everything else - shows the effect that the screen has.

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