Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Moon blip with the flash ...

... This one is for farsidehues :)

Slept well last night and because of that my day was good and productive. Got quite alot of work done and am content. Did not get time at all to pick up the camera during the day and realized a while ago that I have no blip. Went outside, saw the moon and decided to blip it, this time a bit differently. I really don't know how my experiment has turned out to be ... well, Im still learning :)

Here are my previous blips:

A full moon, The moon and the palm and conversation with the moon. The last one was taken when I did not have a DSLR and is totally out of focus.

Summers are here and it is now very hot. The university administration has not turned on the chillers and it gets very stuffy in the labs and in the offices. I hope they start the chillers by Monday. On one hand I love Summers as I love the lose and light attire, but it is way too hot and humid in this part of the world, to the extent to being unbearable.

Brownie (second last in the blip) left today. One of my friend's cousin wanted her and took her with them. I am sad and I hope she is well taken care of. Two more will be leaving tomorrow, most probably.

"I am tired, beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you; of squeezing it into little ink drops, and posting it. And I scald alone, here, under the fire of the great moon."
~Amy Lowell

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