Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Runny Nose!

Here he is, my little runny nose! And isn't he cute! He reminds me of myself as a teenager - glasses and sticky-outy teeth! I still wear specs these days and ALWAYS buy a bespectacled nose if I can get one! My teeth don't stick out any more though - six years of orthodontics meant that I can close my mouth with my teeth inside these days!

Actually, this little fellow isn't so much a RUNNY nose, more of a WALKY, or even WADDLEY nose! He's great fun though, and I've photographed him on the appropriate page of the Radio Times for today!

As for today itself! Well, I've spent the day in school, observing, getting my timetable which starts on Monday, and getting hold of resources so I can plan Monday's lessons over the weekend. A busy, but very useful day.

The poor Wonderspouse has been playing house-husband today and was almost a nervous wreck when I got home! Our heating engineer (yes, the old boiler was so temperamental that I regard him as "ours") and his mate have been ripping out the old boiler and installing the new one. They are still downstairs as we speak, doing whatever it is heating engineers do. There is the most pungent smell of welding or some such pervading the house, and it looks likely it won't be finished tonight and they'll have to come back tomorrow morning!

I had a shower at Scharwenka's on the way home, and I've told the Wonderspouse he can boil kettles etc. for a wash this evening. Crossing fingers that we may have heating or hot water tomorrow!

And so life continues! It is busy, but still good.

I believe the plan for this evening is to get chips. There is certainly no chance of doing any cooking in the kitchen, which is full of bits of boiler, new and old, bits of copper piping, tool boxes, various meters, etc etc etc!

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