
but not quite a super moon.
Tomorrow night the moon is at the perigee of it's orbit around us, bringing it to it's closest point to the Earth. It will be at it's biggest and brightest tomorrow evening - it will be worth a look, because tonight it just looks awesome.

I've tried to catch it, but unfortunately it is not my best moon shot. Ideally it needs to be shot close to the horizon, as it rises in the East, but as we can't see the horizon, there was no chance. Additionally the brightness of it made it difficult to catch, particularly with 500mm lens plus 2x extender meaning that the slightest wobble made life difficult. Add to that the need for manual focus and a photographer who is on a very very short fuse right now, and you can imagine that I gave up quickly.

It is not my best, it is not good enough, but right now, I am beyond caring.

I am officially at the end of my tether. Everything seems to be irritating me beyond belief. I am more than a little fed up with individuals who want to spoil things for others and some who think that when they are caught out, that tears and sobbing will make it all better. Well frankly, it doesn't. Tears make me even more annoyed, so stop snuffling and MAN UP!

I hope that if I can get to the Doctors this week, get some blood tests done, I will find an answer to all of this. I am not me right now and it's irritating the life out of me, so everyone around me must just be utterly thrilled with spending time in my company. I apologise folks and beyond that I seem a bit powerless to actually rein myself in. I think I actually know what the answer will be - one of three things, all manageable - but I need to know exactly what to take the right course of action.

In the meantime, I might just shut myself in a darkened room and pull the duvet over my head - at least then I can't offend anyone!

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