Happy Birthday Pops-in-law

After feeling decidedly shocking most of the day - to the point where I couldn't even have a decent go at picking photos for a portfolio because I thought all of my stuff was crap (I know, I know!) - we took Pete and Liz out for dinner to celebrate Pete's birthday.

We went to our favourite place - The Spice Lounge - which was very busy, even at 6pm. Excellent food as usual, with me having the super hot Murgh Manchoori (makes my eyes water but I love it so). An hour later, stuffed to the gills, an Irish coffee to finish off proceedings and we walked out to see the super-moon rising behind the trees. Perfect.

We are now home. My wonderful husband has wandered off to Asda to get a bottle of wine and we intend to sit out, under the stars and watch the moon travel across the sky, snuggled in front of a roaring chiminea and getting quietly sozzled. Despite my overall grumpiness and lack of joy in anything right now, when I have wonderful people around me and a husband and son who tolerate my erratic behaviour without complaint, I feel like there is a little glimmer of positivity ready to make an appearance.

Thanks for the spotlight from the 'not quite super-moon' yesterday. The camera is actually sat on the tripod outside waiting for it to rise, but I figured that Pete made a far better subject today.

Happy Birthday, honorary Dad!

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