
By RustyKlicker

That's my boy.

We had a great family day at the six nations rugby today.

Scotland narrowly avoided the wooden spoon with a decent display against a spirited Italian side. Our Italian guest wasn't too disappointed as she has enough different types of blood in her that she can watch all the six nations matches and almost never be on the losing side if she so chooses. I think it was shortly into the second half that she became Scottish again.

I took lots of pictures but not too many that I am happy with, you know the feeling. I used to return from holidays with 6 rolls of film and the same in slides and at the end of the day, only select a handful of images that would make the album.

This image of my son was the pick of the bunch and becomes todays blip.

Anyway, we still have dinner out with my brother to look forward to tonight, so I best get this posted and check out what all you guys have been doing today.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

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