The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

Meet Brian and Dolly

How hot are Brian and Dolly in their jumpers, Dolly is wearing the soft blue, with sparkle and fake fur trim round the collar and cuffs , and Brain is wearing his hand knitted cable camouflage..............Dolly is keen to show hers off, and is looking away, to any audience that will look at her, apart from the camera, and Brian is very pleased with him self, and is keen to be photographed and admired...........
These two little chihuahua are a bundle of joy, Brian is a a bit shy,and suffers from confidence, and the jumper helps build his pulling power with Dolly...............Dolly is a terrible flirt, and poses, lounges and is smitten by any one who will give her the time of, a tickle on the belly.......what a floozy..............Any way a good evening was had by all, the humans were a bit annoying, and i don't have a clue what they were wearing...........

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