The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

Buddha gift.....

Well was hoping to get out with the dog, and find something to inspire me, but as its piddling down, not feeling the love for going out at the moment.............staring outside, and saw my Buddha head in the garden, i love this huge ornament, it was a Christmas present about three years ago, and it had sat on a unit, but when we finally had our garden done, it made perfect sense to have it out there within view ,it looks perfect......i think the double whammy is, not only do i enjoy having it, but it was bought for us by a Buddhist, so cool.......... Its lovely to receive a gift that fits in and you want............ I think very carefully before buying something for some one's home,as i think, home stuff, is a bit like choosing some one's clothes. Individual taste, whether it be clothes or home dressing ,are quite personalised, and they generally reflect you as a individual..........lucky for me, this gift was spot on........but don't get heavy, lol, i have not idea what this Buddha head says about me, other than visually it pleased me................

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