Family Night

It's been a 3 day weekend, and with today being forecast as being bad (and it was) we decided to spend the day doing stuff as a family.

We cooked a yummy breakfast, we did homework, we made PowerPoint presentations (for a class project), we played games, we baked biscuits (actually I didn't, I went to the hardware store), we had a our family night.

We decided tonight that our family nights will now be held every 2 weeks and it's a meeting talking about family stuff, punctuated by sweet drinks and a meal of your choice. There's an agenda (notes in a box collated over the preceding two weeks), we take minutes, there is lots of debate, and there are action points.

After the first session of "general business" (kids listening to you etc) we got onto the main agenda item, should we get a cat? The kids had to present their case (for), and I (against). Their case was largely centred around a cat being cuddly and cute. Well, iPad in hand with list of Googled results on the "top 10 reasons not to have a cat" and a lifetime of experience, I represented my side of the case. Needless to say, they are now aware of the responsibilities and costs, and have considerable work and research to pesent at the next meeting, before they convince me. I wish them well.

I have made a commitment that if they are able to allay all (most) of my concerns then I will let due democratic process proceed, and I'll waive my right of veto. However, the deal could be quite beneficial if it proceeds. Adam and Hannah have both tentatively agreed to signing a 10 year commitment to looking after the cat, cleaning the house weekly to rid it of cat hair, and other life changing commitments. Cat cost aside, we'll save a bunch of money on house cleaning alone.

And that was the day.

Hannah (pictured) is writing and adding yet another request for a cat to the agenda, I think a new rule might have to be that if there are more than two submissions, then the subject is automatically disqualified from further hearings. Ahhhh, the life of a dictator ... Now I just need the riches. Well, some loyal subjects as well.

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