Keep Calm

Or freak out! A lazy morning at home, then into work mid-morning, with lots of jobs on the way.

Driving, I was pondering what I could blip today. I have yet to blip the past few days, in part because I have been pretty unmotivated and focussed on other things.

And then I saw this sign, spray painted on a fence. I SO laughed and stopped for the photo, of course. Message aside, it sort of sums things up here. There are lots of serious things going on, buildings being demolished, businesses failing, memorial services for those who have died. But on the flip side, there is so much activity and rebuilding already. But a common thread is humour. We can be all stoic and all, but it's actually humour (in my experience) which helps alleviate the tension. Clearly it does for this wag also.

Totally made my day!

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