Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Up Above The Streets and Houses

Today I seem to have been the living embodiment of an advert for Hedex
( for the purposes of this write up, other headache remedies do exist).

I can't moan as it was entirely self induced ( let's just say thay yesterday's Blip carried on into the night) and no amount of litres of water were going to right this wrong. I don't think that getting stuck in traffic for 2 hours helped when I was only going 6 miles! Still the positive to that was that I got to listen to a bizarre but amusing Radio 4 play that I initially thought was The Archers until it started talking about male prostitution and face transplants. Radio 4 is not what I thought it was . It woke me up properly though!

Lovely afternoon at work with lovely colleagues, late getting off which left very little time for a run but I managed. Couldn't find my MP3, couldn't find my best trainers but I got out there

In a day of hungover trials and tribulations the fresh air was a Godsend and it cleared the head. I loved getting out there. This was taken when I got home, it's a view from my back garden and presents a typical Yorkshire skyline: rows of terraced houses and chimneys that sit in a row providing beautiful tones against the clouds. They don't build houses like this anymore.

A good day really. all's well that ends well as Shakespeare said, or was it Enid Blyton or maybe Jack Dee.. I don't know. Answers on a postcard

Oh and if you see me with a drink on my Blip, tell me not to be so silly again.

Hope it's been good for you all.

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