mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Raspberry jelly

I made this for myself today. Quite selfish, I know, but I've been fancying fruity jelly for a few days now so just had to make it. I did buy the sugar free jelly so Aidan can have some too.

My first day of maternity leave today, well, it's actually annual leave at the moment. Maternity leave starts on the 28th.

Aidan has a cough and was up quite a bit last night so I wasn't feeling great today. I managed to get my hospital bag half packed, do some laundry and have a nap though.

Tonight Aidan still wasn't himself. He had a bit of a temp and still has a cough. He was cuddling into me when he coughed and was sick. Lovely. He's dosed up with medicine but so far still isn't settling. Looks like we've a rough night ahead :(

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