Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

The Mighty Winds

The Mighty Winds. Coming home from my sister's house, we got caught in them. And I was driving. This photo is 'pre-wind' but is definitely a pre-curser to the type of weather that we were going to be driving right into.

When we were about 40 minutes away from home, the winds started. And they started fast. Suddenly steering got a little difficult and the once calm highway suddenly turned sketchy, dark, and edgy. Branches were flying across the road. Being ripped out of trees. We drove around one tree that was blocking part of the road. Laying on top of a telephone line. Saw another huge tree laying along the side of the road. The Fire Department was out in full force. The light signals were flickering on and off. It was like we had entered into the 'Twilight Zone'.

And the only thing that I could think about, beyond getting us home safely, was, "This is nothing compared to what the people in Japan experienced two days ago". My heart just instantly hurt for them. Driving through 50 mile an hour wind was NOTHING compared to the fear and the tragedy that these people had to experience. My thoughts and prayers go out to each and every family whose lives literally turned upside down in the matter of minutes. Another reason why it is so important for us to count our blessings every single day.

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