
By Amalarian


Every day I plan to do the perfect picture, one so dazzling in content and so brilliantly focused that it will knock off my own socks. This isn't it.

This is quite a boring shot but it is an excellent example of how land is terraced for agricultural use. These are quite nice terraces in that they are wide. There never would have been olives here or they would still be there, plus which this is on the valley floor where it gets too old for olive trees. They have been tidied up, too.

It could have been vines but I think not. These terraces, before they became the property of posh suburbanites, were probably for potatoes or even grain. There are more terraces up the hill but they have been overgrown with acacia trees.

The pink house in the middle is fairly new. You can tell even though planning laws do not permit anything but traditional Tuscan style. The roof has new and different tiles. The houses are on the old road to Rome. There is an autostrada now.

I love their zany road straight up the mountain. It is even a little bit worse than ours.

I took the tripod out of the house! I also took both cameras. I tried vibration reduction on and vibration reduction off. I did automatic focus and manual focus. I tried to find the colour intensifier on the menu but couldn't. I changed the ISO. What I didn't do was keep notes. I haven't a clue which pic this is.

Himself took this pic and is proof I used a tripod. I threw out these baggy trousers the instant I got home. Tripod.

For the record: +12 C. Sunny. Humidity 66%. Shelves in the storeroom are up at last.

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