Too old to die young

By msh

Gig night.

Went to see Leah Abramson this evening, one of W's recent discoveries as a result of his cd win. She was playing Northampton Labour club and I do hope she was not discouraged by the turnout. I know this is the way budding artists learn their craft but she deserved better than this. She played a great, if somewhat short set. She had a cold but we really enjoyed what she did. W. blipped her.This was the support, one Liam Dullaghan. His singing and songwriting skills may need some fine tuning but he had great stage presence and was very comfortable behind the microphone. A great night out.

Thank you for all your kind comments about my uncle. It was a sad few days but I am glad I went. I did not blip but may backblip when I have decided an appropriate photograph.

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